A Disease That Affects Us All

Cancer is a word that carries an intensity and depth of feeling than few other words in English language. A cancer diagnosis can be like an emotional bomb going off. The instant disorientation may include racing thoughts of prolonged treatment, unwanted side effects, and fear of an early death.

Most of us have been touched by cancer, but few of us know how to emotionally recover from it.

Emotional Recovery for Cancer Fighters and Survivors

According to the National Cancer Institute, “approximately 39.6% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes.” With stats this high, most of us have been touched by this dreaded disease, but few of us know how to emotionally recover from it.

Cancer and its treatment leave a wake of life-altering changes, impacting a person both physically and emotionally in their faith, marriage, parenting, friendships, and career. We often see secondary struggles emerge, including depression, anxiety, physical limitations, marriage and family conflict, anger toward God, and an overwhelming sense of loss of control.

At Watershed, we work with people fighting cancer as well as cancer survivors. Our goal is to help those impacted by cancer acknowledge and grieve the aspects of their lives that are forever changed. We journey with our clients as they explore their path forward.